Archivo de la etiqueta: exhibit
imaginary spaces, inaugurated on January 7, 2015, Catalunya Official College of Architects in Tarragona
Publicado en arquitectura, Fotografía
Etiquetado architecture, exhibit, imaginary spaces, tarragona
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imaginary spaces, inaugurated on November 21, 2014, Antoni Pinyol Gallery, Reus, Tarragona
La exposición imaginary spaces ha sido inaugurada el 21 de Noviembre de 2014, esta vez en la Galería Antoni Pinyol, en Reus, Tarragona. Hasta el 27 de Diciembre de 2014. Imaginary spaces has been inaugurated on November 21, 2014. This … Sigue leyendo
Publicado en Fotografía
Etiquetado antoni pinyol gallery, exhibit, imaginary spaces, photography
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inauguration imaginary spaces exhibit
the video of the inauguration of imaginary spaces, in the Paraninfo of the UPV, a nice building of Alvaro Siza, Bilbao 14 October 2014.
Publicado en Fotografía
Etiquetado bilboargazki 2014, cesar azcarate, exhibit, imaginary spaces, inauguration
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imaginary spaces, time/lapse of the mounting exhibition
Publicado en Fotografía
Etiquetado cesar azcarate, exhibit, imaginary spaces, mounting, time lapse
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imaginary spaces, model of the exhibit, coming soon
imaginary spaces will be in bilbao next 14 October, in the BilboArgazki 2014 event. Here, you can see on the models for preparing the exhibit.
Publicado en Fotografía
Etiquetado bilboargazki 2014, cesar azcarate, exhibit, imaginary spaces
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